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Hello Anil and thanks for last. I promised you we'd give you some feedback on our fantastic trip to India. Here they come. I've had Google account for translation from Swedish.

Comments on our India trip 2013-02-22-03-15
In summary, we are very happy with our trip to India Tours. We promised to send some feedback on how we felt our trip and our dealings with you. As I previously wrote, we were very pleased with the trip, so the following comments should you interpret as a way to further improve an already great service.
First Contacts before our trip, We felt that you were very helpful and gave good information about the different travel options. Through the internet, we were familiar with our destinations.

Second Costs : Given everything that was included in the package was the trip clearly
affordable. That you also arranged guides and self made contact several times during the time, we felt very confident.

Third the hotels : Throughout the standard of the hotels we stayed at good. Two of the hotels, we särskilds to remember, Pleasant Haveli, for personal service and Umaid Bavan, it was pure fairytale castle.

Fourth Car journeys : Traffic Culture in India is far from what we are used to. Many times you sat and was really scared. Facing a camel cart or truck running in the wrong direction, we are not accustomed to. Although drivers were skilled so I do not think they understood our concerns about traffic. Could they take it easy on the road we had gotten out yet more of our trip. It would be desirable also to drivers before the start of the day's tour, explained how the day would be appropriated, travel, attractions and breaks. The knowledge of English could have been better; sometimes we had difficulty understanding each other. Very positive was that we never had to wait for the car, it was always in the right place in good time before departure. They also always make sure we came to the right place and never left us until we were booked.

Fifth the guide : Thank you lined up with guides on two occasions, it was valuable. But as
Our knowledge of English international is so good, we sometimes difficult to understand what the guide was talking about.

Sixth in Summary : We have seen some of your amazing country. Much has been amazing and beautiful sights, other things have been a bit daunting. We are not accustomed to such poverty of beggars, adults and children, and the severely disabled in the streets. While traffic has been a bit shocking. But as a whole, we are very pleased and are happy to recommend your business. Please feel free to refer to us if you have customers who
Consider implementing similar trip.

Margareta and Per-Erik Mattsson
Eva and Dick Sponton (Sweden)
Tel: 054-565638